Krisna is an avid reader and a lover of dragons, unicorns and all things magical. She divides her time between living in this world doing her day-to-day tasks, and the wonderful world of her dreams that is full of magic and fantastic creatures. Her current WIP, Forged in Fire (Dragons of Atlantea, Book 1) (working title), is set in the magical world of Atlantea where magic rules, dragons roar and angels soar in the skies.
Besides books, she enjoys spending time with her children, mediation/ yoga, music and watching animes on the net.
1. Do you ever get Writer’s Block, and do you have any tips for getting through it?
Yes. About a quarter way through Dragons of Atlantea, I got caught in one of the thunderstorms that life throws at us. I lost interest in writing. But when I picked it up again, nothing flowed on paper. I tried a LOT of things to get out of it. The major things that helped me clear my mind and get my creative juices flowing again were the Heartfulness meditation I practice every day and writing sprints. Meditation helped me relax and removed all my tension and blocks. Writing sprints helped me to get back in the groove of regular writing and helped my creativity to flow through. I also wrote a post of all the things that tried when I was breaking my head on the frustrating wall of writer’s block. You can check it out here,
2. Do you write full-time or part-time?
There are days when I dream about being a full-time writer. But with the demands of children and family, I’ve to be content with being a part-time writer. That said, I’ve a suspicion that if a genie grants my wish and I become a full-time writer, I’d miss time being with my family and spending time with my kids. So I’m actually happy being a part-time writer, using my story as my get-away from the tensions of this world, while enjoying the antics of my kids 🙂
3. What is your favourite movie and why?
There are so many awesome movies out there that having to pick one of them is like asking a child to pick one candy from a candy store 🙂 Let me think… It’d have to be either Lord of the Rings (please don’t ask me to choose one part 😉 ) or Harry Potter. Both of them have fantastic stories, characters and, most importantly, magic. I love all stories about magic 🙂
4. Is being a writer a gift or a curse?
LOL! Actually, I’d say it’s both. Writing starts as a hobby and slowly takes over our lives. Once a story starts stirring within, there’s no peace until it’s on the paper (or laptop in my case).
Because of some circumstances, I was really tempted to give up on my first novel, Dragons of Atlantea (book 1). But the story and the characters refused to give up on me. It’s like they were alive inside me. They pulled and pulled, till at last I had to give in and finish it 🙂
5. When you develop characters do you already know who they are before you begin writing or do you let them develop as you go?
I’m basically a pantser at heart. So with some basic characters in mind, I start writing. As the story progresses, the characters take shape along with the plot and sometimes do things that totally surprise me. This is one of the things I love in pantsing. Of course pantsing also has its own disadvantages like character inconsistencies, motivations and weak arcs. But that is what multiple revisions are for J A combination of this type (pantsing for the first draft and plotting for revisions) has helped me create strong and relatable characters that the readers can root for.
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